Vijayadashami also known as Dusshera is a major Hindu festival celebrated at the end of Navratri every year. Vijayadasami is observed for different reasons and celebrated differently in various parts of India. In the eastern and north-eastern states of India, Vijayadashami marks the end of Durga Puja, remembering goddess Durga’s victory over the demon Mahishasura to help restore Dharma. In the Southern and Western states, the festival it marks the end of “Ramlila” and remembers God Rama’s victory over the demon Ravana.
No festival looks colourful without flowers. And for a festival like Vijayadashmi, which is a celebration of nature’s gift to mankind, there is nothing better than the gift of nature to wish your loved ones. Celebrate with the most beautiful and fresh flowers this festive season. Every flower has a meaning attached to it. We have listed couple of flowers in this package for your easy reference.
If you are unable to decide which festive package to go with? No worries. You can just ring us and we will help you out with the best selection of assorted flowers this festive season.
Earlier there was a constraint of getting the right selection of traditional flowers for festive celebrations. However, thanks to internet, now you have the option to purchase the right flowers for your festival with a click of a button from the comfort of your home and that too without any compromise on the quality or freshness. Moreover, with GFD’s high tech and offline delivery services we assure you will never regret to having subscribed to our services, since customer satisfaction in terms of quality is our motto and as a team we never compromise on that.
GFD team understands the value of your special occasion and the efforts you put to make it all the way more special. It knows that time is of critical value for such moments and hence, GFD brings you flexible delivery options as well
At GFD we will be happy to assist you! Call now at <9538541999> or send an email to us <>
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